Crimean nature is amazing and multifaceted. There are endless sea expanses and inaccessible mountains, salt lakes and underground springs, flaming sunsets and tranquil transparent mornings. The air is saturated with aromas of lavender and thyme and rare species of animals inhabit the coast.

Our friends, photographers and staff members carefully capture life in the nature reserve in photos and videos. If you wish to use them in your news articles, at exhibitions or in any other way, please indicate the author. Don’t hesitate to contact us by email at, if you need the images in higher resolution.
All the photos can be used for scientific and educational purposes. Please make sure to include a link to our website or to our social network profile, where you found the images.
All the photos can be used for scientific and educational purposes. Please make sure to include a link to our website or to our social network profile, where you found the images.
Crimean nature is amazing and multifaceted. There are endless sea expanses and inaccessible mountains, salt lakes and underground springs, flaming sunsets and tranquil transparent mornings. The air is saturated with aromas of lavender and thyme and rare species of animals inhabit the coast.

Our friends, photographers and staff members carefully capture life in the nature reserve in photos and videos. If you wish to use them in your news articles, at exhibitions or in any other way, please indicate the author. Don’t hesitate to contact us by email at, if you need the images in higher resolution.
horseshoe bat
Protected areas are favorable for nature observation. Take your time and look at the sky, watch birds and bats more often. You may be lucky enough to spot a larger silhouette in a flock of small, restless bats. Most likely, it will be the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), which is the largest bat of Crimea.

This species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Book of the Republic of Crimea and is protected throughout the country. It is extremely rare and it´s a great piece of luck to see the greater horseshoe bat in its natural habitat.
Koyashskoye Lake
This lake is the crown jewel of the reserve. Throughout the year, Koyashskoye lake changes its color from pale pink to scarlet and bright orange. The pink mirror-like surface of the lake is complete with an incredible landscape of salt icebergs, azure sea and sandy isthmus.

Koyashskoye lake is one of the saltiest lakes in Crimea. Lake water and mud are rich in minerals and micro-elements and are considered to be healing.
Birds are a feather in reserve’s cap. 34 species of rare birds listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation inhabit the territory of the nature reserve.
The coastal strip here is 5−10 km wide and serves as a natural transit corridor for migratory birds. It’s no wonder that the nature reserve has been included in the lists of the Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs).
Black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) is one of the rare bird species. This graceful bird has a black thin, straight bill and lives in open waters. Long legs allow stilts to search for small insects and larvae even in deep waters.
Photos used on this site belong to (photo credits): S. Ledenkov, I. Sikorsky, L. Moroz, V. Kostrov, N. Litvinyuk, D. Rutyanov, S. Alyomov, M. Atamanenko, G. Prokopov, D. Voinov, Y. Timofeev, Y. Shumlyaeva, M. Rozanov, V. Anzylov, V. Zyuzin, A. Gromov, Y. Zhuravleva, E. Nekadimova, N. Krymsky, K. Polyanskaya, A. Rybintsev, A. Mishin, A. Dmitrieva and
Photos used on this site belong to (photo credits): S. Ledenkov, I. Sikorsky, L. Moroz, V. Kostrov, N. Litvinyuk, D. Rutyanov, S. Alyomov, M. Atamanenko, G. Prokopov, D. Voinov, Y. Timofeev, Y. Shumlyaeva, M. Rozanov, V. Anzylov, V. Zyuzin, A. Gromov, Y. Zhuravleva, E. Nekadimova, N. Krymsky, K. Polyanskaya, A. Rybintsev, A. Mishin, A. Dmitrieva and
298650, The Republic of Crimea, Yalta, Sovietskoe, Dolosskoe road, 2.

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